Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Make your laundry room pretty!

Our laundry room was dismal, beige, blah. I am not that great at keeping up with the folding etc. as it is and an ugly room takes away any motivation I might have for being productive. Color is very important to me so I painted the walls a nice vintage blue /green, hung a simple lace curtain and placed some treasures on the window sill. I still don't fold the laundry very often but it definitely get's washed and dried in that pretty room!

Patchwork wall!

My daughter Apple ( I named her that three years before Gwyneth used it) wanted something cool going on in one of her bedrooms ( she has two VERY small rooms side by side) she went up island to spend time with her cousins one weekend, while she was gone I made a " Patchwork" wall with scrapbook paper. I only did one wall, it is a very small room and anything more would have " closed it in". Apple was very pleased when she saw it and I was very pleased with the price of the project ($5 for materials) and two hours of work!

A Gift for Mod & Sal

It was recently two good friends birthdays so I made them each a neck shawl to suit their fashion and warmth needs. Here is a photo of the one I made for Mod but I forgot to take a photo of Sal's, it was moss green with large black buttons.